Oenology and Food Industries

Toscolapi has its roots in Tuscany and has been distributing for over 15 years in Veneto. From the passion for these territories, so generous in terms of beauty, history, culture and flavours, a line of products dedicated to the food and wine industries was created.
It is a source of pride to use our technical knowledge and support clients in the choice of the right product to improve the food and beverage treasure of these cherished territories.

Why choose Toscolapi?

Qualified Personnel

Qualified Personnel

Our personnel include highly qualified technicians, skilled within the oenology and food industries, to ensure the highest level of customer assistance.



Italian distributor for some of the international market leaders.



An efficient distribution network, with dedicated vehicles, is at disposal, to provide a widespread coverage across the territory.



Integrated management system, certified in accordance with the regulation UNI ISO 9001 (Quality), UNI ISO 14001 (Environment), UNI ISO 45001 (Safety) and HACCP certification.

Quality control

Quality control

Quality control plan upon acceptance of the goods, certificates of analysis and recurrent checks on the concentration and weight in the delivery phase, carried out by qualified personnel with adequate equipment.

Manufactory Plant

Manufactory Plant

The manufacturing plants feature dedicated areas for the storage of the food and wine products.

Would you like to know more?

Our team is at disposal for any query you may have.


For info and quotes